“An active mind cannot exist in an inactive body”

– George S Patton 

Subject Lead: Mr Hunt


At St Joseph’s, we have designed a broad and balanced curriculum, which is accessible to everyone. It has been designed to maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement. We want to cater our Science curriculum towards fostering and developing children’s curiosity. We cater our lessons to providing an inspiring learning atmosphere that can provide challenge and allow the children to be fully engaged in their learning. From Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage Two, pupils progress their abilities to work scientifically. This includes developing their skills of observation, researching and questioning. We have a particular focus on the children’s use of scientific terminology and their ability to use new scientific vocabulary throughout their academic life. This specific terminology is to be taught and progressed as the children progress through the school. We intend to provide all children within our school a vast and structured Science curriculum. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that children access and adopt a healthy and active life by:

  • Encouraging children to make an effort to achieve their individual bests and giving the children the ambition to improve.
  • Identifying the importance of a healthy lifestyle of exercise, nutrition and good hygiene that children can self-regulate in their own lives as they grow.
  • Encouraging team-work and good sportsmanship with compassion for others.
  • Motivating children to attend a range of extra-curricular activities.
  • Inspiring confidence and encouraging full participation.
  • Encouraging resilient attitudes to develop their skills
  • Providing a nurturing environment to encourage the challenge and progression of natural talent Implementation

Our P.E. curriculum involves key areas, which children will access as a rolling two year program as they progress through the school. Children will participate in: Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics, Invasion Games, Striking and Fielding games, Orienteering and Key Stage Two will also access swimming lessons. EYFS and KS1’s PE lessons focus on the development of their movement skills. These motor skills are crucial as they are the foundation of PE sessions that they will participate in.

PE sessions at St Joseph’s focus on our key virtues of resilience, ambition, confidence and compassion. Where possible, links are made to other areas of the curriculum and children’s interests. Pupils have access within sessions to a range of equipment that allow them to access a session at their own personal level and encourage the children’s confidence to progress their skills.

At St Joseph’s we endeavour to provide and broad range of extra-curricular activities. These include football, dance, gymnastics, judo, tag rugby, fencing and fitness sessions. Extra-curricular activities are delivered by members of our own staff as well as outside providers to allow children a variety of activities as well as being useful for upskilling staff in new sporting ventures. We are also part of a multi-school league, competition and festival programme. We encourage the passions of our children by providing opportunities to be in a school team and represent us. This provides children with amazing opportunities to grow in confidence and become a proud, compassionate and resilient member of a team.

At St Joseph’s we provide enjoyable learning which ensures all requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. Each year a small group of Year 5 and 6 children are invited to become Sports Leaders for the school. They develop into sporting mentors and assistant coaches for the school, take a leading role in break and lunch sports, assist in the planning our annual Sports day and are the voice for every pupil.


From our taught sessions, our students learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, some also enjoy the developing of their resilience and self-belief due to being part of competitive sports. We equip our children with the necessary skills and a love for an active lifestyle. We also develop their sportsmanship through our curriculum to make them compassionate and respectful citizens.

At St Joseph’s, we ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills so they can then apply them to a range of sports and activities. Children have a developed understanding of how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise, healthy eating and personal hygiene.

We aim for children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity which they continue after they leave us. We also share all sporting achievements both in and out of school in our weekly celebration assembly, where our sports leaders present to the whole school, so that we are promoting sports and activities, as well as celebrating all levels of success.