“Science is the process that takes us from confusion to understanding.”

– Brian Greene 

Subject Lead: Mrs Evans

Science Progression of Skills

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At St Joseph’s, we have designed a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum, which is accessible to everyone. We cater our science curriculum towards fostering and developing children’s curiosity. Our lessons provide an inspiring learning atmosphere that can provide challenge and allow children to be fully engaged in their learning. From Early Years Foundation Stage to Upper Key Stage Two, pupils progress their abilities to work scientifically and the children build on prior knowledge. This includes developing their skills of observation, researching and questioning. We have a particular focus on the children’s use of scientific terminology and their ability to use new scientific vocabulary throughout their academic life.


At St Joseph's, every science topic has a cover sheet that identifies key scientific vocabulary that will be used throughout the unit. 

Our teachers will effectively model the use of scientific questioning, research and observation to motivate the children and to foster their curiosity and wonder around each topic. At the beginning of each lesson, children are required to recap their previous learning. Key scientific vocabulary is discussed every lesson. The vocabulary is also modelled throughout lessons. Teachers are encouraged to use practical demonstrations and experimentation to aid children’s understanding. Key Stage One, Lower Key Stage Two and Upper Key Stage Two use investigation planning formats to fully grasp how to follow an investigation from hypothesis to conclusion.

After each session, children are encouraged to reflect on their learning, as either a group or individual, against their learning objective to decide if they have achieved their intended learning. Attainment is tracked through class trackers for each topic. 


When pupils leave St Joseph’s, they will have developed their knowledge and understanding in key end points linked to the three strands of science. 

The majority of pupil will achieve age related expectations in science and clear progress will be evident in their books.

They will have the firm foundations in science and be well placed to make good progress in their future education.